Content Marketing Trends From the Start of 2023

Content Marketing Trends From the Start of 2023

Content marketing is one of the most crucial and creative components of a marketing strategy — it incorporates content creation, distribution, and promotion. In fact, according to recent surveys, 54% of businesses will increase their content marketing budgets this year, highlighting its significance. And because it touches every part of a marketing plan, content marketing trends are constantly changing to adapt to new audiences, technologies, and content objectives.

In 2023, content marketing has become more personalized, data-driven, and human-centric. Consider content marketing trends such as interactive content, micro-influencers, and content formats that go beyond the traditional blog post. Additionally, content marketing strategies are starting to focus on artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning to optimize content for different users while gathering critical data.

With content marketing trends changing yearly, businesses must stay ahead of the curve and use innovative solutions to stand out in a competitive digital landscape. So what are the trends of 2023 content marketing? It’s a little bit of what you’re used to and a little bit of something new.

What Are the 2023 Content Marketing Trends?

As we said, traditional content marketing approaches are still important, and content marketers must use them to maximize their content’s visibility. However, here are some of the most relevant content marketing trends that have been emerging in 2023.

1. Uncovering the Transformative Power of AI

Successful content marketing has traditionally relied on human creativity and wisdom. New and emerging AI technologies can support marketers in the content creation process, from outlining to ideation.

AI can help improve content marketing by:

  • Analyzing large amounts of data to identify trending topics among users or target audiences. AI tools help determine the best topics and keywords for SEO purposes and inform more strategic decisions about what type and frequency of content should be created based on current interests.
  • Revolutionizing the speed at which brands create content. Using AI-driven tools like robotic process automation (RPA) gives marketers time to dedicate their energy to other areas, such as crafting concepts or examining competitive spaces and industry trends for further insight.
  • Taking personalization to the next level with generative AI content. With the help of writing tools like Jasper, content marketers can create content with prompted styles and tonesthat speaks  directly to a customer’s interests. Likewise, it can produce images, art, and even code.

Moreover, with the release of ChatGPT, you can generate content faster in support of scalability. But don’t forget to add that human touch — it’s essential that humans are reviewing this content for accuracy and clarity, areas in which AI tools fall short. 

2. Interactive Content To Connect

The point of your content should be to engage and connect with your customers. Interactive content does just that by allowing people to interact directly with your content — an experience beyond reading words on a page.

However, in the digital age, this content is no longer a novelty, it’s the norm, and content marketers must take advantage of it to increase user engagement.

Interactive content comes in many forms:

  • Polls
  • Games
  • Quizzes
  • Surveys
  • Interactive infographics

Among all of the content marketing trends in 2023, this one allows people to take a more active role in content consumption by giving them the power to interact with it on their own terms. 

For example, companies like BuzzFeed have mastered the art of interactive content with their famous personality quizzes. Not only do these quizzes help to drive engagement, but they also help content marketers gain valuable insights about their customers’ interests and preferences.

The key to creating effective interactive content is to ensure it’s relevant and exciting. Make sure that the content you create encourages people to take action. Give them a reason to engage with your content, whether it’s because it’s educational or entertaining.

For example:

  • If you’re a fashion brand, you can create an interactive content piece that allows users to virtually “try on” different products. This gives customers a chance to experience your product before they buy, and this interaction can increase sales in the long run.
  • If you’re an underground musician, you can create a game that tests the knowledge of your songs. This helps to build brand loyalty and encourages people to listen and learn more about your music.
  • For nonprofits, you can create an interactive content piece that allows people to donate money directly from their phones. This makes it easier for donors to give and helps organizations collect valuable data on donations.

Interactive content is a powerful tool, and the benefits are plentiful. Not only does it allow for content to be more personal and engaging, but it also helps create strong relationships with customers. People become emotionally invested in content they interact with, which encourages them to become loyal followers — a pivotal element to marketing success.

Other benefits of interactive content include:

  • Better content discoverability via search engines.
  • More opportunities for content sharing amongst users.
  • Higher conversion rates due to increased user involvement with content.

Because you’re giving your community’s members the option to choose their own content experience, you’re providing a unique opportunity for both consumers and marketers alike.

3. Engaging With Emerging Technology

In the same vein as the two content marketing trends above, content marketers should also pay attention to emerging technologies. Virtual and augmented reality are just some technologies that have become increasingly available to content creators.

  • Virtual reality is becoming an effective content distribution platform. For example, content marketers can create virtual tours of their spaces, products, or content that put viewers in the shoes of a customer.
  • Augmented reality is another technology helping create a closer connection with audiences. Through AR, content creators can bring content to life with interactive elements, such as overlaying content onto physical objects.

These digital elements shed a whole new light on the art of storytelling. For instance, a game studio can create an augmented reality experience where players have to complete puzzles in the physical world. In doing so, they could gain insights into how people interact with their content and use this data to inform future projects.

4. Accessibility With Voice Search Optimization

As the new generation of digital natives emerges, content marketers must stay current with their tactics. This includes honing in on voice search optimization where users can speak out loud and receive results from their search engine. Did you know that 65% of consumers between the ages of 25 and 49 talk to their voice-enabled devices daily and close to 50% of people, in general, are now researching products using voice search?

So how is this a new trend?

It’s more about adapting to the rising trend and, more importantly, ensuring your content is optimized. This means you have to think differently about how people will be asking questions — and ensure your content answers those queries before others do. This means incorporating natural language and conversational keywords and phrases that people would use when speaking into a device, as opposed to typing out a query.

It also requires understanding user intent and providing rich answers that quickly answer the question posed by the user. Additionally, it’s essential to restructure content, so voice-enabled devices can easily understand it. This means using headings, lists, and tools that can read out loud in plain language.

5. Authenticity and Social Responsibility as a Focus

Authenticity and social responsibility are two critical elements of successful marketing strategies today. Authenticity means creating content that is true to one’s brand identity and does not compromise ethics or morals. Social responsibility entails actively making the world a better place through charitable actions, initiatives, and awareness campaigns.

So it should come as no surprise that consumers are now looking for more than just a product or service; they’re looking for human-focused content that reflects their values and beliefs.

Just look at the numbers from an Aflac survey:

  • 77% of consumers are more likely to purchase from organizations that positively impact society.
  • Similarly, 73% of investors stated that environmental and social efforts were a part of their investment decision-making process.
  • More than half of buyers (or 55%) believe it is essential for corporations to stand behind critical social, environmental, and political causes.

6. Influencer Relationships With a Twist

Influencers have become a staple in content creation. And, while they’re not a super new concept, the way these relationships are being leveraged and the types of influencers brands are partnering with have changed. No longer is it just about working with top-tier celebrities or industry experts — micro-influencers, people with an audience size between 1,000 and 100,000 followers — are becoming increasingly popular for content marketing campaigns. The reason? They often have a higher engagement rate than those with larger followings, making them a more cost-effective option.

De-influencing — the practice of telling consumers what’s not worth the money — is becoming more commonplace. This concept has rapidly gained traction because it’s viewed as an unbiased and trustworthy way of conveying value. It also builds trust with customers looking for honest reviews and opinions on what they should invest in. 

In practice, de-influencing requires content marketers to devise creative ways of delivering the message. For example, brands might focus on inspiring conversations around sustainability or ethical consumption instead of endorsing a particular product or service. By encouraging honest dialogue, they can position themselves as a thought leader on key issues and attract new customers.

 For example:

  • A food delivery service might engage influencers to discuss the challenges of reducing food waste.
  • A health and wellness company could partner with an expert in mental health awareness to discuss the importance of self-care.

No matter what route you take, influencer relationships are an important part of content marketing. Remember, it’s not just about finding someone with a large following — quality is key.

The goal should be to work with influencers who align with your brand and message, have a strong connection with your audience, and produce content that resonates organically.

What Is the Future of Content Marketing?

The future of content marketing lies in creating valuable, transparent, and relatable experiences for customers. Additionally, as consumers become more aware of the power their data holds, there is an increasing demand for personalization and transparency from brands regarding how they use customer information.

This goes beyond the traditional tactics of segmentation and targeting — content marketers need to focus on creating a customized journey through every touchpoint. This means understanding the customer in depth and delivering the right message at the right moment, all while developing relationships with influencers who can help reach target audiences more effectively.

A few ways to do this can be:

  • Using de-influencing tactics to bring more authenticity and trust to campaigns.
  • Incorporating more diverse representations of people in all aspects to show consumers they’re seen and respected.
  • Incorporating AI-driven recommendations to surface personalized content for customers in real-time.
  • Testing new technologies such as VR and AR to engage customers in unique and immersive ways

Ultimately, the future of content marketing is bright, and brands have many opportunities to create valuable experiences for their customers. By leveraging the power of authenticity and social responsibility, de-influencing tactics, diverse representation in campaigns, and focusing on accessibility and emerging tech, content marketers can not only succeed but also build meaningful relationships with their audience.

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