6 Brilliant Tools to Help You Come Up with More Blog Ideas
Blog post ideas are the basis of any effective content marketing campaign, but what do you do when you’ve run out of ideas and can’t seem to hash out a plan for your next post? Digital content creation begins with a solid plan and a content calendar that is chock full of topics to keep the creativity and excitement flowing. Fortunately, we’ve got the tips and tricks to help you hash out a content plan that will take your marketing efforts to the next level.
Check out the following tools and start generating more ideas for your blog right away:
1. Hubspot’s Blog Topic Generator
Hubspot’s Blog Topic Generator will literally think of the ideas for you. The algorithm works by injecting your keywords or phrases into a series of prepared titles that utilize numbers, list form and some of the most powerful and converting words in the English language.
How to Get Started
Are you ready to start generating blog titles in just a few simple steps? It’s easy to get started with the Hubspot Blog Topic Generator:
- Visit Hubspot.com/blog-topic-generator/.
- Enter 3 nouns individually into the columns labeled Noun1, Noun2, and Noun3 (these can be keywords or short keyword phrases).
- Click on “Give Me Blog Topics!” to instantly see the blog ideas.
- Don’t be afraid to “Try Again” if you’re not happy with the blog ideas that Hubspot’s Generator provides or if you simply want additional ideas.
- Vary keywords and phrases to get hundreds of blog topics and ideas.
Blog Topics Generated
As an example, we entered the following keywords into the Hubspot Generator:
- Blogging
- Content Creation
- Content Marketing
And we received the following blog post topics:
- The History of Content Creation
- The Ultimate Cheat Sheet on Content Marketing
- 10 Quick Tips About Blogging
- 15 Best Blogs to Follow about Content Creation
- How to Solve the Biggest Problems with Content Marketing
As you can see, certain titles could be reworked a bit but this generator provides a great starting point for ideas.
Quick Tips
Remember that titles can be adjusted to better suit your needs. For instance, numbers can be altered higher or lower, adjectives can be changed and different keywords can easily be used if they make more sense with a topic. Anytime a title generator is used, it’s important to keep your audience in mind and to adjust titles, so they are best suited to readers’ interests.
2. Google Suggest
Google Suggest allows you to quickly see what others are searching for. Simply begin typing in a keyword or phrase in the Google search box and watch the list of possible ideas that appear in the dropdown box. The algorithm is based on specific search data from Google, so there’s a good chance (but no guarantees) the topics that are suggested are highly searched.
How to Get Started
Using the Google Suggest feature, generating blog topics takes just a few simple steps:
- Visit google.com.
- Enter a search keyword or phrase into the search box.
- Take note of the ideas that are generated in the dropdown box.
- Consider altering keywords or entering just a short phrase in order to see additional ideas.
- For more blog post ideas from Google Suggest, scroll to the bottom of the search engine results for a list of related topics.
Blog Topics Generated
As an example, we entered the following keyword phrase into Google:
- Content creation
And we received the following blog post topics:
- Content creation services
- Content creation tools
- Content creation companies
- Content creation tips
With these ideas, it is important to expand upon the keyword phrases to come up with catchy blog post titles.
Quick Tips
Don’t just use the keyword phrases that Google Suggest provides without first doing some keyword research to ensure that the topics are actually high volume search phrases. Use Google Adwords tool, SEM Rush, or another keyword research tool to determine the potential traffic from a targeted keyword phrase and, once you have a list of phrases that are likely to drive traffic, use them to create topic headlines. Consider using powerful and proven conversion words such as:
- Amazing
- Sensational
- Remarkable
- Secret
- Ultimate
- Worst
- Complete
- Latest
Using conversion words, as well as the above keyword phrase samples from Google Suggest, you may come up with the following blog ideas:
- 5 Amazing Content Creation Services that will Increase Your Blog Traffic
- 8 Remarkable Content Creation Tools to Help Promote Your (Insert Product or Service here)
- The Secret Content Creation Companies Don’t Want You to Know
- The Worst Content Creation Tips We’ve Ever Heard: (And Why You Shouldn’t Follow Them!)
3. Portent’s Generator
Portent’s Generator provides some very detailed post topics but they may not always be ideal for serious topics such as health related blogs. Often times the topics that are generated will require revision in order to make the most sense, but using the Portent Idea Generator you can get a head start on some great ideas.
How to Get Started
Using Portent’s Content Idea Generator is simple. With just a single keyword, you’ll quickly be generating blog topics that you can build upon:
- Visit http://portent.com/tools/title-maker.
- Enter a subject or keyword (singular versions are best).
- Click on the arrow to see the first title.
- If unsatisfied or if you would like additional blog ideas, click the refresh arrow to see additional titles.
Blog Topics Generated
As an example, we entered the following subjects into the Portent content idea generator:
- Content Creation
- Blogging
- Content Marketing
And we received the following blog title ideas:
- The Complete Beginner’s Guide to Content Creation
- Remedies for Improving Your Life Using Only Content Creation (Edit this to say: Remedies for Improving Your Blog Using Only Content Creation)
- Why Blogging is Sexy
- Why Kim Kardashian Will Never Be Good at Blogging
- An Expert Interview About Content Marketing
- 17 Surprising Ways Content Marketing is More Refreshing than New Socks
Quick Tips
Use a variety of keywords and subjects in the Portent Generator to come up with a list of possible blog ideas. Keep in mind that you may need to tweak certain lines of the heading to make it grammatically correct or to ensure that it appropriately targets your audience. The great thing about Portent’s Generator is that small tips (and jokes too) are added in little bubbles around each topic that is produced. Some of these tips can be useful in the revising of the topics that are generated.
4. Content Ideator
Content Ideator is a Content Forest tool that is very simple to use and quickly generates hundreds of potential blog topics and ideas. Entering a single keyword or phrase will quickly produce a long list of ideas; some of the topics will be very vague and not very useful, but many will be quite targeted and inspirational.
How to Get Started
Using Content Ideator is very easy and there is great potential with this blog post idea generation tool:
- Visit ideas.contentforest.com.
- Enter a keyword, subject or keyword phrase into the search box.
- Click the search button to see a list of ideas related to your keyword.
- Choose titles that you would like to use by clicking the button on the right of the title. This adds all of your chosen blog ideas to a list which can be copied and pasted into your own spreadsheet or word document.
Blog Topics Generated
As an example, we entered the following keyword:
- Content Marketing
And we received the following blog titles:
- Content Marketing for Local Business SEO
- Epic Content Marketing
- Aspects of Content Marketing
- Content Marketing – Why is it Important?
- Simple Steps for Beginning a Content Marketing Strategy
- Niche Affiliate Marketing System – Simple Content Marketing Process to Dominate Niches
Quick Tips
Many of the ideas on the first page of the Content Ideator will be vague. Try scrolling to pages 2, 3 or 4 of the blog titles to see more in depth and targeted ideas. Don’t be afraid to try long tail keyword phrases to generate topics and blog ideas that are targeted specifically to your readers.
5. Quora Questions & Answers
Quora engagement can rapidly lead to blog ideas that are most certain to convert. Spend some time in the question and answer forum of Quora and you’ll quickly realize that people are asking all sorts of questions related to products or services that you know something about. If you’re wondering what topics are on the minds of those scouring the web, a quick browse of Quora will lead you to potentially hundreds of topics.
How to Get Started
To get started with the Quora forum engagement:
- Visit Quora.com.
- Create an account.
- Login and use the search bar to begin typing in a topic related to your keywords, company, product or service.
- If there are suggested keyword phrases that come up as you type your query, consider choosing one of them OR you can always continue typing your unique search term into the search box.
- Instantly see unique discussions taking place on the topic of your choice.
- Make note of questions that your blog could answer and prepare to write on the topics.
- Submit your answers with supporting blog post to Quora to gain greater visibility for your blog.
Blog Topics Generated
As an example, we entered the following keywords into the Quora search box:
- Content Creation
- Content Marketing
- Blog Ideas
And we received the following blog post ideas:
- When Does Content Curation become Content Creation?
- What are the Best Content Creation Companies for B2B?
- Top Content Marketing Ideas
- Does Content Marketing Actually Work?
- What are some Creative Food Blogging Ideas?
- What Tools Are Best for Brainstorming Blogging Ideas?
Hundreds of potential topics can be found in Quora using various keywords and keyword phrases.
Quick Tips
Using Quora, consider seeking blog ideas that are not already saturated with answers or, read through some of the current answers and choose topics or questions that don’t have fully addressed answers. If you can answer the question more fully, consider compiling a post on the topic and then go back to Quora and share your blog post for greater visibility and a link (it’s a win/ win for your blog).
6. Soovle
Soovle KW Generator automatically searches for the current most popular keywords and search terms being used in Google, Wikipedia , YouTube and other major search engines. Using this blog topic idea generation method you can quickly see what is trending in search and you can develop topics around the terms.
How to Get Started
Although Soovle doesn’t provide the actual titles for the blog posts, the keywords can aid in your brainstorming process. To get started:
- Visit Soovle.com/.
- Enter a keyword or keyword phrase into the search box.
- As you enter a keyword or keyword phrase, Soovle will update the page with the latest search terms.
- Alter keywords and phrases in the search box to generate additional ideas.
Blog Topics Generated
As an example, we entered the following keywords into Soovle:
- Content Marketing
- Content Creation
- Blogging
And we received the following blog post ideas:
- Content marketing strategy
- Content marketing for dummies
- Content marketing for nonprofits
- What is content marketing
- Content creation checklist
- Content creation workflow
- Blogging away debt
- How to make money blogging
The keywords that are generated in Soovle are just an inspiration upon which additional blog titles can be developed.
Quick Tips
Use Soovle to generate a list of additional keywords related to your subject and then perform keyword research to determine the most valuable keywords in terms of search traffic. Then, take those keywords and develop blog headlines that are unique, sharable and fun. Using the keywords above that were generated by Soovle, along with converting words such as discover, introducing, and revolutionary, you may come up with the following blog ideas:
- Revolutionary Content Marketing Strategy for Beginners
- Introducing the Ultimate Content Creation Checklist
- Discover How to Make Money Blogging in Half the Time
Final Takeaways on Generating More Blog Ideas
- People love lists! Write headlines that capture the reader’s interest by including numbers and the promise of a list that won’t disappoint.
- Tweak, Tweak and Re-Tweak. Once you have generated a list of potential blog post ideas, tweak the headlines. Make them captivating, original and fun.
- See something you like, repeat the process. If you happen to notice that you absolutely love to read a certain type of post (i.e. a list, roundup or a worst ideas about X type post) don’t be afraid to repeat the process. Most of the blog topic generators use similar methods of producing topics based on tried and true algorithms that simply work. Use creativity to adjust topics to meet the interests of your readers.