Success Stories

Palm Partners Rehab Center Reaches Max Capacity with Addiction Treatment Content

We know our competitors spend much more on advertising and marketing, but since we focus on organic traffic through regular content, we are consistently getting great rankings more site traffic, more leads, and more admissions.
- Palm Partners

The Mission

Palm Partners specializes in providing rehabilitation services for individuals affected by drug and alcohol addiction. The addiction treatment industry is extremely competitive, so Palm Partners needed a plan to stand out.

They knew they had to rank as high as possible on Google, so they had to ensure that they were doing as much as they could to combat inefficient advertising methods.

The Process

Palm Partners decided to enlist a content writing agency to handle all of their content creation. They knew they needed a lot of great content, but didn’t want the hassle of managing their own writing team, not to mention the inflated cost of full-time writers.

After a ton of research, Palm Partners was getting nowhere. They brought on several agencies that delivered substandard content without the consistency they were looking for.

They eventually decided to use ContentWriters to create all of their content and they haven’t looked back.

The Impact

Content creation at scale could not be easier with ContentWriters. Through their comprehensive content marketing plan they achieved stunning results:

900% growth in admissions

1,150% increase in call volume

850% higher organic traffic numbers

100% bed occupancy rate

Instead of wasting countless dollars with no tangible return on content, Palm Partners was able to lower their marketing costs on top of drastically increasing traffic, engagement, ROI, and occupancy.

Now, all Palm Partners has to do is focus on their business instead of spending all of their time managing content writing projects.

It was easy to get up and running with CW. We let them know what we needed and our plan for scaling. We wanted to work only with writers who knew our industry and they were very accommodating.
- Palm Partners

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