drive conversions with blog writing services

How to Drive Conversions Using Blog Writing Services

Blog posts are a key driver of search visibility. Blogs are excellent ways to improve your ranking in search results, and can also be powerful conversion engines, generating new leads and helping improve loyalty from current customers. Here’s how.

How Blog Posts Drive Conversions

A study by Demand Metric found that content marketing tactics, like blog posts, generate approximately 3x as many leads as traditional marketing and cost 62% less.

But how do blogs help conversions, and what makes them so effective, especially compared to other marketing tactics?

Blog posts are often the first thing your potential customer will see when using a search engine to find answers to their problems. Blogs can generate trust in your company, especially if the content effectively answers the searcher’s question.

With well-crafted calls-to-action (CTAs) embedded in your blog posts, you can encourage the reader to take a desired action, such as to start a free trial, contact you to learn more, or even purchase a product.

Blogs that satisfy the searcher’s query and are paired with a powerful CTA are more likely to convert the reader to your designated action.

How Many Blog Posts Do You Need To Drive Traffic?

There’s no set rule for how many blog posts you need to drive traffic to your site. However, some sources suggest that you need at least 15 articles on your blog before you start to see results.

The important thing to keep in mind is that without traffic, you will not have any visitors to convert. So, creating enough quality content to drive traffic is a necessary step if your goal is to increase lead generation from your content strategy.

However, thanks to the latest updates in search engine algorithms, quality is more important than quantity. Your blog posts should be helpful to the reader, relevant to their search, and include actionable advice for the next step they should take, also known as a CTA.

It’s not as much about how many posts you have as what type of posts readers will find. But don’t forget that your content should have the goal of generating revenue for your business, too. The most effective blog posts are ones that have a specific goal in mind: moving leads down your sales funnel.

How Blog Writing Services Work

Blog writing services are agencies that have teams of specialized writers who create content for clients across multiple industries. The best blog writing services will typically offer a variety of content options, such as:

  • Blog posts
  • Newsletters
  • Sales page copy
  • Social media posts
  • Video scripts

Companies will typically work with services like these to improve conversions for both organic and paid marketing in a few ways:

  • To create monthly blog post content that ranks in search results
  • For social media content that helps engage current and potential customers
  • To create effective sales and landing pages that increase revenue
  • To produce well-crafted video or audio scripts that create die-hard fans and subscribers

If you’re not seeing results from your blog strategy, you may need some support when it comes to conversion copywriting. Blog writing services have professional writers on demand who know how to create content that stands out in search results and drives readers to the next step in your sales funnel.

Why Not Just Write Blog Posts Yourself?

On one hand, you could just write blog posts yourself to save money. But consider the following reasons why it’s better to leave it to the pros, especially if you want to drive conversions quickly.

Your Time Is Better Spent Elsewhere

You certainly have many items on your daily task list to grow your business. You might not have time to keep up with the latest industry trends, SEO updates, and algorithm changes that affect your business’s ability to stay front and center for your potential customers.

That’s where blog writing services come in. You’ll have access to a team of writers who are experts in your field and understand how content marketing works for your industry. By outsourcing content generation to the pros, you’ll ensure you have the right marketing tools for your business. You’ll also help yourself focus on the aspects of your business that can’t be outsourced as easily.

You’ll Have Access to a System That Grows With You

When done right, a blog strategy involves several different marketing aspects and workflows. If you’re doing this internally, you’ll need to build systems and methods for keyword research, conversion tracking, and content generation. If you outsource to a blog writing service, you can rely on them for at least a portion of this work.

The best blog writing services have a platform that lets you receive customized content and has built in tools to support other creation tasks at scale. As you grow, your content needs may change, requiring you to ramp up production quickly.

Platforms like ContentWriters are perfect for growing businesses like yours because they let you define your needs as you grow. Whether you need a series of posts that seed details about a new product or service or just need a weekly blog post to keep the search engine algorithms happy, you’ll be able to scale or reduce your content writing needs easily.

You Won’t Need To Manage a Team On Your Own

SEO blog writing services typically offer their clients a dedicated account manager who ensures the writers creating your content are experts in your industry and are experienced in creating content that converts. Your account manager will handle editing, check SEO best practices, and keep your writers on pace to ensure you receive quality content on time every time.

Plus, they’ll manage changes and updates you need to the content so that you can focus on what matters most: ensuring your customers have the best experience possible with your business.

Tips for Working With a Blog Writing Service

Working with a blog writing service can take a significant weight off your shoulders. To ensure long-term success, seeing your partnership with the company as a collaboration rather than a hands-off relationship is beneficial.

But that doesn’t mean you’ll need to micromanage; quite the opposite! After a calibration period, you can expect experienced writers to understand your needs and craft content that aligns with your goals. If you want to get off on the right foot, you should do a few things to promote success.

Come Prepared With Ideas

Your most successful blog posts are going to be the ones that solve the biggest problems your customers face. When vetting SEO blog writing services you’ll want to provide a few topics that address why customers come to your business.

For example, if you’re a residential plumber then most likely people come to you for help fixing drain clogs, replacing cast iron pipes, and installing new water lines to refrigerators. Those are all great topics to take along with you!

But don’t worry about getting the wording just right; the best blog writing services are able to take these concepts and fine-tune them into SEO-rich content that gets to the top of search results easily.

If you’re not sure what content would work best, that’s okay too, as most services will be able to do research on common issues, industry trends, etc. For example, ContentWriters offers free topic pitching or paid keyword research to support content ideation. That said, the more direction you provide in the beginning, the more likely your new writing team will understand how to craft content that will help reach your business goals.

Plan Your Buyer Journey

If your goal is to drive conversions with your blog posts, you should have a clear idea of your buyer’s journey. Establish the stage of the purchasing process you expect the reader to be in based on the topic and your business solutions and align a call-to-action or next step based on that.

If you commission a blog about the best treatment solutions for a mental health concern and you offer counseling services, for example, you may want to drive the reader to schedule a consultation.

When working with a blog writing service, you should outline that strategy and share it with the writer, so they can craft their content in alignment with your overarching conversion goals.

Set Up Analytics

You’ll want to see how well your custom blog posts perform, so set up analytics tracking software to monitor results. Google Analytics is a free and popular option, but most e-commerce (Shopify, BigCommerce, etc.) and CMS platforms (WordPress, Wix, etc.) also come with basic analytics built right in.

Help Give Your Blog Posts The Best Reach Possible

Search engines have hundreds of data points they use to determine which websites get onto the first page of search results, so ensure your articles get the best boost possible by auditing your website and looking at a few metrics:

  • Does your website load quickly? If your site takes longer than 2-3 seconds to load, you’ll want to fix that ASAP. Look into upgrading your hosting service to a faster server, cache static pages, and compress images so they’re less than 1 MB when possible.
  • How often is your website updated? If you haven’t touched anything on your site within the past 6 months, it’s probably a good idea to do a few tweaks so that search engines see your site has new information. Luckily, your new blog posts will also count towards this metric, but updating something on the site beforehand will get your site noticed before you publish the articles, giving a good foundation for success. Follow best practices for updating website content.
  • Check your site on different devices. Did you know mobile devices send 313% more traffic to sites than desktops? Make sure your site looks great and functions on more than just your standard desktop browser.

Work With an Expert Blog Writing Service

Ready to get your new content strategy up and running? Us, too! Our blog writing services can help drive conversions and increase your online presence. Contact us today to get started.

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