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4 Creative Ways to Repurpose Your Content

As a business owner, your blog content serves as a valuable lead generation tool. The more you inform and engage your audience, the more receptive they’ll be to the products and services you offer.

While quality blog posts are an excellent way to provide value to your customer base, you should also consider other ways to cater to your audience’s content needs. Not only will this increase your reach, but it’ll help you rise above the competition.

So just how should you go about executing a diverse content marketing strategy? Leverage your existing blog posts to generate new forms of content. Here are four creative ways to do so.

1. eBooks

eBooks are a smart way to dive deeper into material you cover on your blog. Use them to educate people on key topics that are central to your business and important to your audience.

So if you’re a financial planning firm looking to target millennials, you could offer an in-depth, how-to guide on managing and repaying student loans. Your audience will appreciate the tips, and your credibility as an authority will skyrocket.

And don’t rule out using your eBook as an opt-in. Simply ask those interested to sign up to receive their free resource in their inbox. You can also choose to monetize your eBook by selling it through Amazon or on your own platform.

2. Video Content

Evergreen content is crucial to your blog. That’s because it’s timeless in nature and consistently provides value to your audience.

Make the most of your evergreen blog posts and create videos showing off your expertise. Why video? Because consumers love it. HubSpot Research found that 54% of consumers favor videos  over other forms of content from brands they support.

To bring evergreen content to life, consider launching a YouTube channel explaining key concepts and ideas that relate to your business. So if you run a content marketing agency, for instance, and regularly blog about SEO topics, you could put together an SEO explainer video. You can also draw on popular how-to posts and create video tutorials.

Facebook Live videos centered around popular blog post topics are another creative way to leverage video. Invite your audience to jump in with questions. They’ll appreciate the access.

3. Podcasts

Do you have blog posts that were wildly successful once they debuted? Consider launching a podcast based on these posts. You can also use this platform to answer and address any questions or debates that arose in your comments section.

And don’t be afraid to capitalize on your relationships with industry peers. Invite experts in your network to join you for interviews to share their take on key topics.

If you think having a daily podcast is too ambitious, focus on weekly podcasts. They’re still frequent enough to draw a loyal following and give your audience something to look forward to each week.

4. Infographics

Infographics are powerful ways to tell stories visually and boast high engagement and retention rates. But if you blog regularly, you probably don’t have the time to create infographics on a regular basis. This is understandable. Quality infographics require proper planning and time to execute.

That doesn’t mean they’re not worth the effort. Consider creating infographics 2-4 times a year to expand upon data-rich blog posts. You can share them on your company Instagram and Pinterest accounts, two platforms where images are king.

To maximize your reach on Instagram, use relevant hashtags to increase your odds of discovery. For Pinterest, you can join group boards to network and encourage others to repin your infographic.

Final Thoughts

Repurposing your content is a genius way to do more with less. By leveraging popular posts you’ve already crafted, you’ll be able to increase your visibility while further establishing yourself as an authority in your niche.

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