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5 Apps Every College Student Needs for Productivity

Education and Day Care

This newsletter is geared towards college students who are looking to obtain good grades and succeed in school. It will highlight 5 of the latest trending productivity apps that are both useful and stylish.

Email Newsletter (300-500 words)
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Amenities Millennials Want

Finance, Business and Real Estate

This white paper will explain all of the common misconceptions of millennials and dig into what moves the needle with this demographic. Through research and data, it will highligh actionable results real estate companies can use.

White Paper (1500 words)
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Outdated Marketing Tactics You Need to Stop Using Right Now

Tech and Internet

The marketing world moves pretty fast and it can be difficult to keep up with new innovations. This article will highlight outdated marketing tactics that companies are wasting countless dollars on and where they should be focusing instead.

Blog Post (300-500 words)
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Tips for Traveling with Infants and Toddlers

Travel and Lifestyle

A roundup of helpful tips for parents traveling with young children, this blog will include suggested products and gear to create a sense of ease for travel in a car, train, plane, or boat.

Blog Post (300-500 words)
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What Makes a Trend?

Fashion, Music and Entertainment

This blog will discuss how trends are started, who starts them, and how long they generally last.

Blog Post (300-500 words)
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How Can the U.S. Become a Soccer Powerhouse?

Sports, Gaming and Fitness

Despite the growing popularity of MLS, soccer still lags behind all of the major sports in the U.S. This article will cover trends in soccer participation, TV ratings, attendance, and give a detailed explanation of why soccer isn't growing fast enough in the U.S.

Blog Post (500-700 words)
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Northeastern Charm in the Flyover States. Schools You Should Consider

Education and Day Care

Idyllic, picturesque liberal arts schools aren't only found in the Northeast. This article will be geared towards prospective college students and highlight different schools across the country that have beautiful landscapes, treelined quads, and quaint downtowns.

Blog Post (500-700 words)
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What's the Difference Between a Living Will and a Last Will?


An explanation of the difference between a Living Will and a Last Will. Blog will include resources for completing either of these documents, as well as information regarding best practices for each.

Blog Post (500-700 words)
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What Your Eczema Might Be Telling You

Medical and Healthcare

Not all skin conditions are about the skin itself. Often conditions like psoriasis, eczema, and rashes are caused by internal dysfunction. This blog will outline the different possible causations for skin eruptions and what kinds of doctors and treatments readers can try for relief.

Blog Post (500-700 words)
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Come On, Gut Happy!

Food and Beverage

A scientific aritcle about gut health, and how it impacts both one's physical and mental wellbeing. Will explain how the gut is connected to daily emotions, and how to ensure a happy gut.

Blog Post (700-1000 words)
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How to Write a Basic Business Funding Proposal in 5 Easy Steps

Finance, Business and Real Estate

This newsletter will appeal to growing entrepreneurs running startup companies. It will highlight, in a fun and engaging way, how to do something pretty difficult; ask for money! It will show what language should be used in a proposal, who to send it to, and how to follow up without being intrusive.

Email Newsletter (300-500 words)
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What You Need to Know About the Upcoming Presidential Election

Government and Non-Profits

It's always election season in the United States. This newsletter will select 3 major news stories related to the President, how that will impact the upcoming election, and who stands to win or lose based on the outcomes and ramifications of those news stories.

Email Newsletter (300-500 words)
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