Topic Marketplace

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Abstract Signs of Lyme Disease

Medical and Healthcare

A review of Lyme disease, and the subtler symptoms that both doctors and patietns often overlook.

Blog Post (300-500 words)
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Alterntives to Milk and How to Make Them Yourself

Food and Beverage

Brief descriptions of dairy-free "milk" options (oat, almond, cashew, rice) and links to recipes for how to make them at home.

Blog Post (300-500 words)
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Creating Content in the Era of "Fake News"

Government and Non-Profits

Everywhere we look, fake news stories abound. This article will discuss how to spot fake news, what are some of the penalties for posting fake news on social media, and how you can make sure you create genuine content.

Blog Post (300-500 words)
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What Is Location-Based Marketing and Is It Appropriate for My Business?

Tech and Internet

Location based marketing is a no-brainer for local businesses, but does it work for online companies as well? This article will discuss what types of businesses should use location-based marketing and how it benefits online businesses.

Blog Post (300-500 words)
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Which Streaming Subscriptions Are Worth It?

Fashion, Music and Entertainment

An overview of the most popularly used streaming sites, and an analysis of each platform's offerings compared to its prices.

Blog Post (300-500 words)
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Handy Etiquette Guide for Travel Across Asia

Travel and Lifestyle

A guide for what to do with your hands in a variety of Asian cultures. Included are breakdowns per major country, for both business and personal interactions.

Blog Post (500-700 words)
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How to Get a Divorce Without a Lawyer


Debunking the myth that a lawyer is required to legally divorce. Will breakdown the steps needed to avoid involving a lawyer, and best practices for finalizing divorce between spouses.

Blog Post (500-700 words)
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Why Couch to 10k Is Easier Than You Think

Sports, Gaming and Fitness

One of the biggest challenges of getting in shape is taking that very first step. This article will dive into the famous app, tips for success, and how users can soften the blow when deciding to make the jump into a full-time exercise routine.

Blog Post (500-700 words)
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How to Build an Investment Portfolio with Limited Capital

Finance, Business and Real Estate

A common misconception is that investors need tons of capital to create a portfolio. Not the case. This article will show how you can build a solid beginner's portfolio with limited access to capital.

Blog Post (300-500 words)
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Best Jazz Clubs in the Country

Fashion, Music and Entertainment

This will be a state-by-state guide to jazz clubs around the United States. Will include staples such as the oldest running jazz club, clubs where famous musicians have played, and clubs with new and exciting programs.

Blog Post (500-700 words)
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Why Juicing Isn't Doing What You Think It's Doing

Food and Beverage

A science-based blog explaining the difference between eating fruits and vegetables, and drinking them juiced. Will provide information regarding digestive process and why chewing is an important part of human food consumption.

Blog Post (500-700 words)
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Find out If Your Car Insurance Covers "Acts of God"


Written for car insurance consumers, this will outline major car insurance companies and how each define and cover "Acts of God." Will provide advice for drivers to protect their cars and wallets.

Blog Post (700-1000 words)
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